They interview entrepreneurs and real estate investors and provide their audience with tough lessons they learned along the way, successes, and failures. Rob Abasolo and David Greene are the two co-hosts for Bigger Pockets. This podcast is geared towards providing value to listeners and helping them achieve financial success with their businesses. He is one of America's top real estate investment professionals. For example, the host of Lifetime Cashflow Through Real Estate Investing, Rod Khleif is a passionate and seasoned real estate investor who has managed and owned more than 2,000 homes and apartments.

Learning all about the real estate industry is ideal when the advice comes from someone who has extensive personal first-hand experience. Lifetime Cashflow Through Real Estate Investing This podcast is available in both audio and video form. If you listen to her podcast, you will also learn from her knowledgeable guests: Bruce Norris, John Burns, Doug Duncan, Peter Schiff, Loral Langemeier, Robert Kiyosaki, and other expert perspectives. In this podcast, shares secrets of the passive real estate investing world while saving her audience from major deal mistakes. She is also the author of "Retire Rich with Rentals". Host Kathy Fettke, Co-CEO began the Real Wealth Show podcast in 2003. Real Wealth Show: Real Estate Investing Podcast The Top 10 Real Estate Investment Podcasts 1. Check out the following 10 podcasts to keep yourself armed with the knowledge that will help you learn more about investing in the real estate niche. Real estate can change quickly but podcasts allow you to keep up with the latest real estate trends. Keeping up-to-date on your real estate knowledge can save you from costly mistakes. Podcasts are easy-to-digest as you can listen to them on the way to work, while you're going for a run, or while you're doing stuff around the house. To gain the maximum passive income and wealth during your real estate ventures, it's vital to follow and take actionable advice from only an experienced investor.